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Ex-Muslims Speak Out Against Islam
Video > Other
6.89 MB

Ibn Warraq Islam ex-Muslims apostates Institute Secularization Islamic Society religion absurd
+6 / -30 (-24)

Oct 20, 2008

Perhaps the most powerful and compelling form of resistance to Islamic ideology is not coming from we non-Muslims (we who have not as yet submitted our thoughts, words, actions and dreams to Islam), it is actually coming from ex-Muslims. And I would like to share with you some of the comments that ex-Muslims have made about Islam.

The 5 slightly abridged comments on this video were made by ex-Muslims on the website of the The Institution for the Secularization of Islamic Society (now part of the Centre for Inquiry website). I would like to thank Ibn Warraq for drawing our attention to this and other excellent sources in his book called "Leaving Islam: Apostates Speak Out".

The Institute for the Secularisation of Islamic Society

Leaving Islam: Apostates Speak Out edited by Ibn Warraq
Published in 2003 by Prometheus Books, NY, ISBN 1-59102-068-9

Consider supporting the Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain

Please leave a comment if you want, this is just to show what is out there...

And before you go and spam, dl it watch it and make up your own mind...

cheers the_phyrexian

Are you a British citizen? Click here! (Petition to stop Sharia Law)


yes, for free speech, free ideas, free choices.
secularism. democracy. values you do not share...
So of course I am the enemy, because you have arguments to substantiate your points and the argument that I am the enemy, a communist, someone who is left, a nazi, ... is your only rebuttal.
This is why you fail. You attack ;), without arguments. You have, no valid points. You invalidate yourself, by becomming insulting.
Fail more my dear troll... fail more.

"Phyrexian so you want to say that democracy = free speech, free ideas and free choices?"
my view, of democracy yes. a secular world view. you are alowed to believe, to practice what you want for yourself. you stop people from changing their view, you stop them from change...that is the end of a democracy...

"You live in a democracy, then why talk about free speech?" because, free speech needs to be kept alive, has to be kept active.

"Democracy is not supposed to fit just Islamophobia "

you have no idea what islamophobia is. I am not afraid of Islam. I do not hate people that want to follow sharia or the hadith. I will on the otherhand stand up and raise my voice, when I see people suffer due to retarded religious laws...

my2cents, suckyourself etc ...
this is load of shit u wankers!!!!!!!!!! islam ruled then and will always rule, you silverspoon motherfuckers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ther"s one god and no f"in religions-religions are man made but the worst ones Ive got to admit are nazism -islam---those 2 dogmas sanctionne death as a mean to get to their goals.both are dictatorships.And by the way as to this day muslims killed more muslims THAN ANYONE ELSE DID..Some people should revise their facts and dont forget some people are more preocupied about the after life than TO help humanity now. Religions try to blackmail ie if you do good things you"ll go heaven. Why not help for the sake of humanity?????
God Loves You My Muslim Friend - Former Muslim Ergun Caner Testimony:
I don't think it's a good thing to insult those who have left Islam. Prophet Muhammad said, "Everyone will go to Paradise, except those who refuse to enter it." When asked why would someone ever refuse to enter Paradise, he said, those who accepted Islam have agreed to go to Paradise, while those who refuse Islam have indeed refused the pleasures of Paradise. so why should we be angry if some people don't want to go to Paradise. let them enjoy temporaritly the pleasures of this ephemeral world and commit themselves to hell for eternity. it's their choice, we have to respect that.
thank u